المدة الزمنية 16:13

Two-Color Brioche Worked Flat - ENGLISH STYLE

بواسطة Andrea Mowry
32 071 مشاهدة
تم نشره في 2022/02/03

Welcome! This little video demonstrates who to work two color brioche flat for English style knitters (aka Throwers) who hold their working yarn in their right hand. If you are a Continental Style knitter you can head here: /watch/gVFH_VchPKvhH Abbreviations: MC - Main color CC - Contrast color K - Knit P - Purl STS - Stitches BRK - Brioche knit; knit the slipped stitch and it’s “yarnover shawl” together as one stitch. BRP - Brioche purl; purl the slipped stitch and it’s “yarnover shawl” together as one stitch. (YF-)SL1YO - Bring yarn to front of work (if it is not already there), sl st purlwise, wrap a yarnover around the slipped st. (YF is only included on "brk" rows, since the yarn already hangs to the front on "brp" rows. RS - Right side WS - Wrong Side Swatch Instructions: Cast on an odd number of stitches with your MC yarn. (I am using DK weight yarn on a size US 6 circular needle.) I just to cast on 15 stitches. Setup Row 1A (RS): K1, *yf-sl1yo, k1; repeat from * to the end of the row. Drop your MC yarn and slide your stitches back to the beginning of the row on this side. DO NOT TURN. Setup Row 1B (RS): Slip 1 stitch, join your CC yarn, *brp1, sl1yo; repeat from * to the last 2 sts, brp1, drop CC so it falls towards you on this RS of the work, slip the last stitch and turn so the WS is facing you. Pattern Repeat Row 1A (WS): Using MC, p1, *sl1yo, brp1; rep from * to the last 2 sts, sl1yo, p1. Drop your MC yarn and slide your stitches back to the beginning of the row on this side. DO NOT TURN. Row 1B (WS): Using CC, slip 1 stitch, *brk1, yf-sl1yo; repeat from * to the last 2 sts, brk1, drop CC so it falls to the back, slip the last stitch and turn so the RS is facing you. Row 2A (RS): Using MC, k1, *yf-sl1yo, brk1; repeat from * to the end of the row. Drop your MC yarn and slide your stitches back to the beginning of the row on this side. DO NOT TURN. Row 2B (RS): Using CC, slip 1 stitch, *brp1, sl1yo; repeat from * to the last 2 sts, brp1, drop CC so it falls towards you on this RS of the work, slip the last stitch and turn so the WS is facing you. Repeat Rows 1A/B & 2A/B until you feel darn good about brioche! You can find all of my Brioche Tutorials on this playlist: /playlist/PLoIMEyFptX-PSV5G7kFGm5O8oDuKcwwb6


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