المدة الزمنية 13:49

Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina August 16, 2023 莫斯塔尔 波黑(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那)

بواسطة Snowbird Life
72 مشاهدة
تم نشره في 2023/08/17

Aug 16, 2023 Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Walk along the Old Bridge and to Mostar’s cobbled Ottoman Quarter, which houses the city’s artists and craftsmen, as well as beautiful 16th-century mosques, museums, and cafes. The old town (carsija) that developed around the new stone bridge (Stari most) was completed by Dalmatian craftsmen, in 1566. This oriental part of the city still preserves its old tradition of highly skilled craftsmen in metal engraving, painting, and rug-weaving. Koski Mehmed Pasa Mosque from 1671 and the Muslibegovic House one of the most representative monuments of the Ottoman residential architecture. Aug 16, 2023 逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜 - 《论语》 Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina 莫斯塔尔 波黑(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那) 莫斯塔尔,因桥成名,一座横跨内雷特瓦河两侧悬崖的29米的石拱桥,奥斯曼人留下的杰作。鹅卵石铺开的街道,高低错落的石屋,两侧的山谷美丽壮观,古朴的打铜街上还时常传来铁器敲打声。不远处的宣礼塔定时虔诚的呼喊,身在欧洲却又恍惚在一个伊斯兰国度。 莫斯塔尔是士耳其人自古通往地中海的必经之路,碧绿翡翠般的内雷特瓦河从城中划过,苏莱曼大帝死命下建成了堪称奇迹的古桥,连接了东岸穆斯林和西岸的天主教居民。克族、塞族、穆族在内河两岸分合几百年,二战中坦克、辎重重压下古桥岿然不动,结果二十多年前波黑战争中,矗立了427年的古桥毁于一旦。修复重建后外观分毫不差。 古桥见证了400多年的历史变迁,从奥斯曼帝国统治之初到南斯拉夫社会主义联邦最终解体。站在石板铺成的桥面上,看着流淌不息的内雷特瓦河,一如穿越两千多年时空的古语所描述的那样:逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。


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