المدة الزمنية 40:27


بواسطة Vaush
103 469 مشاهدة
3.7 K
تم نشره في 2019/09/25
عرض المزيد

تعليقات - 555
  • @
    @eelvis1674منذ 5 سنوات These tests can never reveal your true principles or position by nature of having very specific questions. I think the results that surprised you were id="hidden1" class="buttons"> probably the result of leading questions and you answering pragmatically rather than idealistically ....وسعت 73
  • @
    @austinfernando8406منذ 5 سنوات i got:
    83.8% Revolutionary
    70.6% Scientific"buttons">
    88.3% Decentralised
    66.1% Internationalist
    56.2% Union
    61.1% Ecological
    81.2% Progressive
    "Council Communism" (awesome but not exactly 'me')
    I thought some questions were weird, there's nuances that they didn't address
    ...وسعت 44
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    @Ireallywouldrathernotمنذ 5 سنوات Industrialised farming is super bad for the environment, and yes, that includes fields and livestock as they currently stand. 58
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    @robertrulebirtanniaمنذ 5 سنوات The test said I was 98.8 Left Communist so went out and picked a fight with an armchair to prove otherwise. 260
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    @0average_enjoyer044منذ 4 سنوات this test just gives literally everybody council communism 74
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    @RadTrashedمنذ 5 سنوات Take these tests with a grain of salt. First time I took it I got told I was a council communist lmfao 85
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    @zacnieprawisz9171منذ 5 سنوات I took the test and got Venezuela 661
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    @Yet.Another.Rapper.KiG.V2منذ 5 سنوات I also prefer to just identify as a "leftist." I'll listen to anything from socdem leftward that isn't tankie, nazbol, anprim, or the id="hidden3" class="buttons"> like.
    EDIT: Comments below add some nuance
    EDIT 2: I'm a "tankie" now, thanks to Vaush exposing his own fundamental inadequacies when interacting with Hakim and Luna Oi. If you want to continue your learning journey and not get stunted in the debilitating mud of the Western Compatible Left I suggest you humor Marxism-Leninism
    ....وسعت 119
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    @JohnSutcliffe1988منذ 5 سنوات Apparently I'm an eco-Marxist. Sounds gay. 167
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    @adipsia6154منذ 5 سنوات I love that even on points we disagree on, (which are few and far between) I can clearly see your line of thinking and good intentions. Keep up the good work! 81
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    @eey-beeمنذ 5 سنوات "Bring back the train"
    Hell yeah!
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    @warrendriscoll350منذ 5 سنوات Can I disagree with the wording of all those questions? They are horribly phrased.
    Also, like most of these tests, I feel they are asking the wrong questions.
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    @hindigenteمنذ 5 سنوات Authoritarianism is not intrinsic to centralized/partisan socialism, but is rather an unavoidable response to economic and actual warfare from economic and war superpowers. 23
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    @a8727منذ 5 سنوات Just FYI. It gives a lot of people council communism if u are an anarchist. It pissed me off at 1st 277
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    @ignitionfrn2223منذ 2 سنوات - Reform>Revolution
    - Revolution > Reform
    - Revolution risk/benefits
    - Liberal democracy
    - Revolution impossible ?
    - Workplace democracy > socialism
    - The end justifies the means
    - Redistribution through taxes
    - Social Democracy
    - Justification for revolution
    - "Publicly owned"
    - Materialism drives socioeconomic changes
    - It can only happen in industrial societies
    - "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"
    - Peaceful revolution
    - Self destruction of capitalism
    - Class conflict
    - Gradual >Sharp implementation of Socialism
    - Leaders & Ideas
    - Economic & social equality is achievable
    - Bottom-up>top-down
    - Local > National planned economy
    - Computers for planned economy
    - Planned economy = rapid progress ?
    - Workplace democracy & self management
    - Don't trust the state
    - Planned economy = state capitalism or socialism ?
    - Bureaucracy & inefficiency are a part of planned economy
    - Dictatorship of the proletariat
    - Forced jobs
    - World socialism
    - Nationalism & patriotism are bad
    - One party system
    - Non interventionism
    - Open borders
    - Exporting the socialist message
    - (Con)Federations
    - Internationalism
    - Self determination
    - Needs of other countries >Needs of my country
    - Socialism in liberal democracies
    - Trade unions & workers council
    - Socialism leads to authoritarianism
    - Democratic centralism
    - Mass worker's party
    - Spontaneity > Planning
    - Political parties are irrelevant
    - Decentralization
    - Trade unions have become corrupt
    - Climate change
    - Environmentalism
    - Renewable =/= reliable ?
    - Industrial Farming
    - Environmentalism as a part of socialism
    - Biological food
    - Public transports
    - Humans<Nature
    - Food consumption
    - Human growth
    - Humans>Nature
    - Back to the past
    - Too late for the environment ?
    - LGBTQ
    - Gender roles
    - Marriage
    - Ab0rtion
    - Religions
    - Ethnic minorities
    - State/Church separation
    - Prisons
    - Foreign immigration
    - Social progress
    - Results
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    @MarkArandjusمنذ 4 سنوات
    Ohhh. As someone from former Yugoslavia I thought this question was more like 'hey we're all southern Slavs or whateverthefuck, let's unite and make a cool socialist country'
    It has its charms but ultimately it ends badly because uniting on the basis of a nation didn't make us abandon our national identity and merge into one glorious pile of Slavs, it made Yugoslavs focus on individual nationality harder. Super hard. To the point of ethnic cleansing.
    So yeah either way: don't.
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    @squidexorcist7564منذ 5 سنوات Bro Industrialized farming succccccccccccccccccccccccccks. It is so insanely bad for the environment. 129
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    @edivimoمنذ 5 سنوات The "National liberation" question is about de-colonization like Vietnam: liberation from european empires. So, that must be an "Strongly agree". 8
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    @PzOwNeDمنذ 5 سنوات "industrialised farming practices must be abolished" please look up the sheer amount of toxic pollution that like, industrial scale pig farming causes. that's the reason why. 86
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    @Hyewotمنذ 4 سنوات Dude you can grind up bugs into like protein powder and put it into shakes and nutrient bars and stuff. You don't gotta eat crisped crickets to support eating bugs. 7
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    @alexiscanfield3473منذ 5 سنوات Vaush, bottom up != markets. It could be argued, but direct democracy, rather than representative democracy in a decentralized system would be bottom up id="hidden12" class="buttons"> do all the things you suggested, and not have the easily corruptible force that is markets. ....وسعت 9
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    @TheCirclekeeperمنذ 5 سنوات I got council communist but I'm demsoc anyway so I don't mind. 44
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    @Holobrineمنذ 5 سنوات Plans don’t have to be centralized. Cooperatives could and arguably should cooperate on plans rather than compete to ensure the greatest outcome for their constituent workers. This would qualify as a planned economy instead of a market.
    Who enforces environmental protections, ideally?
    Immigration is people coming in. People going out is called emigration.
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    @childishhylian6034منذ 5 سنوات Innovation must be applied to the methodology of farming as well--industrialization even in non-animal agriculture is still a capitalist mode of resource id="hidden14" class="buttons"> collection and thereby puts profits over natural considerations. The revitalization of soil and ecosystems includes minimizing such endeavors. For a historical example the American colonies expanded westward in part because their industrial farming depleted the eastern soil tables. ....وسعت 4
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    @Nathan-ej3bkمنذ 3 سنوات Man, I thought I was making progress. I spent a long time being politically oblivious.
    Only recently I began to learn what terms mean and looking id="hidden15" class="buttons"> into politics or whatever. Watching this video, it felt like I only understood every other question. Guess I got a ways to go.
    ....وسعت 4
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    @SD-tp8csمنذ 5 سنوات Bottom-up economical organisation doesn't necessarily mean 'markets'. 10
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    @javaPhysicianمنذ 4 سنوات I got "Green Anarchism".there's way too many environment questions in that test. However it mentions anarcho-syndicalism as a sibling to green anarchy which I generally agree with. 3
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    @snekdoodمنذ 5 سنوات i too got council communism first, but i also didnt understand some of the terms, so i read up on shit and got eco anarchist instead :0 i agree w/ you on the union stuff and the test was kinda tricky w/ that? 16
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    @felicitycمنذ 2 سنوات I got market anarchism which is pretty much where I'm at yep
    69.1% reform (nice)
    56.3% scientific
    76.7% decentralized id="hidden18" class="buttons"> />57.1% international
    65.4% union
    59.7% production
    94.1% progressive
    ....وسعت 2
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    @Dsanzvillamilمنذ 5 سنوات Bugs are actually quite nice when cooked properly 7
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    @MrCmon113منذ 4 سنوات "Transitionary state", huh?
    Turns out Vaush is a Tankie.
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    @abigailburns4391منذ 4 سنوات My dude, I am creeped out by how much your answers are matching my own. 3
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    @xoxonaotchan_7902منذ 5 سنوات Just wanted to say that factory industrialization of farming has caused issues. I'm a vegan so theres that element of it (just my opinion) but theres id="hidden19" class="buttons"> also all the carbon emissions put in the air by it. Also not saying that's we shouldn't use Genetically modified food at all but we must do more research on it's long lasting effects. Also go vegan vaush plzness ....وسعت 19
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    @Kamotsمنذ 5 سنوات I don't get why people kept saying that market socialism is capitalism, that's physically impossible. How do markets turn socialism into capitalism? 4
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    @CorpsmanUP87منذ 5 سنوات Some of those questions weren't nuanced enough.
    For example, the question "Renewables need to replace fossil fuels (paraphrasing)" doesn't include the promotion of nuclear power.
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    @atm1947منذ 5 سنوات You mentioned rojava at the end, you should look into the stuff relating to religious and ethnic minorities in Rojava that aren't Kurdish or Arab like Assyrians, Yazidis, etc. 5
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    @underplague6344قبل 6 أشهر YouTube brought back search by oldest so I clicked on a random old vaush video and holy shit this man is a shapeshifter I swear he looks so different now. Sounds different too. 1
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    @Dragonite43منذ 5 سنوات I took the test, and it says that I'm a Democratic Socialism. 48
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    @Arbaaltheundefeatedمنذ 3 سنوات I got Liberal Marxist as my closest match, with Eco-Marxist as the close second, which I feel does a pretty good job of describing my values. Getting Anarcho-Primitivist id="hidden24" class="buttons"> as my third closest was more of a surprise. :p
    Probably ties in with the Eco aspect, I would assume.
    And at least 'Dictatorship of the Proletariat' sounds vaguely better than 'Tyranny of the Masses' :D
    ....وسعت 1
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    @ravedubin4655منذ 5 سنوات That same test told me that I'm a Libertarian Socialist 3
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    @odiramمنذ 5 سنوات Imo the main problem with industrialized farming in its current form is soil depletion. Ironically we may end up with a food in the near future if due id="hidden25" class="buttons"> to the loss of top soil and general degradation of soil quality of we don’t make any alterations to current trends. I don’t actually think we need to completely deindustrialize, but I do think we should look into what could be done to start some community permaculture farms as a supplement or replacement in some areas. ....وسعت
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    @eeveegaming4798منذ 4 سنوات I got council communist, but as a young leftist i am not knowledgable in everything there is, alot of things are currently beyond my brain. I also sometimes misundertood the question 1
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    @hindigenteمنذ 5 سنوات Centralized planning is often necessary to diminish regional disparities with respect to development. More resourceful regions should support the development id="hidden27" class="buttons"> of less resourceful ones at the expense of some regional autonomy. Furthermore, it can help enhance connections between workers of similar fields over great distances. A worker on a shoe factory probably shares many interests in common both with a school teacher in the same city and with another shoe factory worker 1000km away. Regional planning enhances the first connection while centralized planning can bridge the second. They're not, by any means, necessarily mutually exclusive. ....وسعت 21
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    @alexwynters600منذ 4 سنوات I'm a Council Communist, with the next 3 closest matches being Democratic Socialist, Eco-Marxist, and Centrist Marxist. 1
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    @kk8490منذ 4 سنوات Closest Match: Centrist Marxism
    Orthodox Marxism: 92,7%
    Eco-Marxism: 90,5%
    How do I even interpret these results? I’m an orthodox centrist who would destroy humanity to save the trees? lmao
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    @alledzebu1975منذ 5 سنوات "In underdeveloped societies, a centrally planned economy is the best way to make rapid progress".
    Could anyone please explain me what is this and why? Please?
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    @2wyzegaming97منذ 5 سنوات I SEE YOU & YER DND Tee vaush. Looking forward to the campaign!!!
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    @thatoneguyinthecomments2633منذ 5 سنوات Whoever brought up Napoleon as a successful example of exile, you do realize he escaped the island and came back to fuck shit up, twice. 1
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    @MrxstGrssmnstMttckstPhlNelThotمنذ 5 سنوات You forgot to change the state punishing religion question after Orwell's Nightmare pointed it out. So that might f shit up a bit. As well as the other id="hidden30" class="buttons"> questions where you wrote "disagree" when you said "agree" out loud, or vice versa.
    ....وسعت 2
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    @eelvis1674منذ 5 سنوات Abolishing Prisons doesn't need to mean not having places where people are imprisoned, but these places I wouldn't call prisons because they are id="hidden31" class="buttons"> so radically different from current prisons. But technically they would be 'prisons' ....وسعت 1
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    @SemiIoconمنذ 5 سنوات I got Council Communism. I didn't even know what that was, lol. 3
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    @demosthenes995منذ 5 سنوات We dont need nuclear, which is fission, or renewable energy. Those have some good qualities to them, and can produce some good energy, but our really best id="hidden32" class="buttons"> option is fusion energy. It's the difference between the A bomb and the Hydrogen Bomb, which was never actually used but only tested. You use an Isotope of hydrogen called dietirium or tritium and fuse them together to start a massive chain. ....وسعت 1
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    @samus598منذ 5 سنوات I feel like there will come a day when computers can be used to distribute resources in a more efficient way, in a way that meets the needs of people and id="hidden33" class="buttons"> industry more effectively. That day is probably hundreds of years off though! ....وسعت 2
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    @RGCDTBمنذ 4 سنوات vegans would like to have a word with vaush 7
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    @frozenblade1954منذ 5 سنوات Could you make a video on anarchist purity testing? I had a conversation with some anarchist friends and they claimed that communism is inherently uncompatable id="hidden34" class="buttons"> with anarchism by missrepresenting the process of seizing the means of production because they seem to have a different concept of what collectivized ownership means. It really pissed me off. ....وسعت
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    @gretepمنذ 4 سنوات I got Council Communism, with Eco-Anarchism and Anarcho-Communism as my second and third 1
  • @
    @slavyanych231منذ 5 سنوات 60.3% Revolutionary
    75% Scientific
    91.7% Decentrilized ="buttons">
    95.8% Union
    ...وسعت 2
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    @cezariusus7595منذ 4 سنوات
    (at least vaush acknowledged that revolutions are a "mixed bag")
    (violence good) />

    (this happened in so many communist countries)
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    @eeveegaming4798منذ 4 سنوات On the exporting idelogy, i beleive it will be hard for socialism to survive without exporting their ideolgy, not like were doing right now, but basically id="hidden37" class="buttons"> propping up socialist society that are taking their own route which would help their own country would be best. ....وسعت
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    @pantasaron9253منذ 3 سنوات it depends on the country tho. It's possible in most countries but densely populated places like some european countries would need huge reservoires that aren't developed yet ....وسعت
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    @Hayden_Catمنذ 5 سنوات
    My bf bro went to prison for rape he gets out in 6 months. He pleaded guilty but my bf says he didn’t do it.
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    @SD-tp8csمنذ 5 سنوات Democratic centralism is freedom of discussion and unity of action. Imho it is democratic. Lenin emphasizes that democratic debate is an absolute requirement id="hidden40" class="buttons"> for a party to function. Many tend to forget about the 'democratic' part and just turn into centralism though. ....وسعت
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    @gupyb4165منذ 3 سنوات Well, I too consider leftvalues as party-over-union biased.
    Got something like 60/30 when I would be more 50/50
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    @demosthenes995منذ 5 سنوات I'm confused. What the hell did Red Oceainia do to get banned? 3
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    @lovaloo763العام الماضي It would be interesting to see Vaush retake this test, I'd like to see the extent to which his takes have softened, if at all.
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    @eelvis1674منذ 5 سنوات I also got neutral on party vs union which allows for the council communist 1
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    @emmettchan5545منذ 5 سنوات Personally I think it depends on what you mean under "prison". You'd always need a way to quarantine people who will harm society, and you id="hidden41" class="buttons"> can call that place prison, but I think that some factors that make prison "prison", mostly the way it treats its inmates, should not be present and thus using the word would not be entirely applicable. It's quarantine, not punishment. It's humane, not a form of torture. Plus it'd have a much smaller population, as 1) poverty based crime would be basically non-existent and 2) rehabilitation centers would take in anyone who can be rehabilitated. ....وسعت
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    @FurikoMaruمنذ 3 سنوات - wait, are the issues with topsoil depletion not known to our distinguished host? Like I'm not an expert but I was under the impression we gotta ease off on a couple of output-maximization strategies before we fuck up our ability to grow food at all. ....وسعت
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    @sreyerbri7469منذ 4 سنوات I looked up left test and it auto-corrected to left testicle pain, so, that's on my search history now I guess
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    @FlashmanJWمنذ 5 سنوات It gave me neutral on certain ones even though it was above 55%. For example, I got 40% Central and 60% Decentral on economy but it said I was neutral. :/ I got Centrist Marxism followed by Orthodox.
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    @Speederzzzمنذ 5 سنوات Marxist centralism. whoo I'm a leftist fence sitter. 2
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    @fl00fydragonمنذ 5 سنوات I think the "similar cultures" thing was about the EU.
    IF that's the case I'd say yes.
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    @notsayingimbetterthanyoubu3187منذ 4 سنوات I got Eco Marxism not that I am really worried about climate change, but probably had a lot to do with my answers on power structures and economy. I am id="hidden44" class="buttons"> more worried about deregulation and our impact on animal life and smaller cultures and peoples. Seems legit I'm actually happy I got that one tbh ....وسعت
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    @dietrichbraun9845منذ 5 سنوات Somehow I got Market Anarchism, even though I consider myself pretty DemSoc. 2
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    @lalitthapa101منذ 3 سنوات I got left wing nationalism.
    But in the overall 8 values one I got socialism liberalism
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    @chrishampton2565منذ 2 سنوات Well I'm, a Eco-anarchist. That's pretty darn accurate to my beliefs. 1
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    @nateblack8669منذ 5 سنوات I took a similar test and my results where libertarian socialist, which is what I identify as, so no complaints here I want to try this LeftValues test next.
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    @bozotheinfernoclown2626منذ 5 سنوات I'm surprised by the open arm welcome from Vaushs audience,
    I thought everyone would report me and call me a nazi.
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    @n16r49منذ 4 سنوات Vanguardism is only necessary as long as education is trash, most people are inherrently capable of rational thought as such they can make the right decision id="hidden46" class="buttons"> when information is understood correctly, as long as there are poor conservatives education is bad. ....وسعت
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    @CK-jd1kfمنذ 5 سنوات Wtf do markets have to do with organizing society bottom-up rather than top-down? 2
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    @presidenttogekiss635منذ 4 سنوات Oh, poor Vaush. You ARE gonna eat bugs. Just accept it. It hurts less that way. 1
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    @RayLRhodesمنذ 3 سنوات I think "assigning individuals to workplaces" refers to national jobs programme. At least that's how I interpreted.
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    @hatchethead3355منذ 5 سنوات Fuck yeah! I took the test right before watching this and I came out Counsel Communist as well! Come now Comrade Vaush! Let us seize the means of production id="hidden47" class="buttons"> for the proletariat and enter a new age of communism! SOMEONE PLAY THE USSR'S ANTHEM IRRONICLLY! ....وسعت
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    @tomasroque3338منذ 5 سنوات How is marriage patriarchal?
    This is an honest question. I would get it if you were talking about the traditional gender roles within marriage, id="hidden48" class="buttons"> but marriage itself?
    Please explain this to me, I had never considered this possibility before.
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    @tatzblazinzky3512منذ 5 سنوات I got centrist marxist (I just wanna grill some dang bourgeoisie) but probably because I answered neutral a lot due to weird wording of questions. Next id="hidden49" class="buttons"> closest were democratic socialist and market socialist/anarcho-syndicalist ....وسعت
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    @patrickcarney6171منذ 5 سنوات Vaush you should listen to The Workers Song by Dropkick Murphy's it was released in 2003 but it sounds like it could've come out yesterday, some things never change.
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    @darthutah6649منذ 5 سنوات Then why did China's economy grow faster when Deng Xiaoping made free market reforms? 1
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    @owenbelezos8369قبل 5 أشهر some political parties should engage in liberal democracy, with other parties not engaging in liberal which can regulate and make sure that those parties do not become watered down from trying to appeal to as many people as possible. ....وسعت
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    @Kavukamariمنذ 4 سنوات I suppose we would want to abolish industrialized farming because it's really bad for the environment?
    but I don't think that necessarily id="hidden53" class="buttons"> dictates we MUST abolish it, because you need it to some extent to feed your people
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    @paintedhorse6880منذ 2 سنوات "I think capitalism is useful"
    -Vaush 2020
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    @thomasbuchovecky2205منذ 5 سنوات I am a "centrist Marxist" followed by Eco-Marxist and Orthodox Marxist. Everything else was 75% or lower with my only 0 in utopian socialism. The more you know.
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    @benkim6969منذ 4 سنوات . 1